Life and Miles

Stories and Experiences from Frank Spires

2023 - Let's Do This!

January 1, 2023
Frank Spires

2022 is done.  It’s over.  While the Christmas decorations still remaining throughout my house and in my yard might argue otherwise, the calendar makes it perfectly clear that a new year is here. At my house, the trees, stockings, and nativities are normally returned to storage on and after January 1, depending on the weather and other factors.  This year, we’re running a little late.  I have friends who take things down on December 26.  That would be my preference, but I don’t have the final say in the Spires household.

How do you feel about the arrival of 2023?  Hopefully 2022 was a good year for you.  I have to say that overall, it was for me.  Certainly, there were some setbacks, some hardships, and some challenges.  And, within our family, we experienced the loss of loved ones.  These things are all a part of life and are to be expected.  Many are far beyond our control.  As I write this, I’m only addressing things that are within our ability to do or not to do.  We can’t worry about the others.

As I reviewed some of the goals that I set a year ago, I must confess that I wasn’t satisfied.  While I am thankful for a year of blessings and good health for me and my family, I’m disappointed in the number of items on my list which I couldn’t mark off.  Most of that was due to a lack of discipline.  Certainly, there were other factors, but there’s no doubt that I could have done better than I did.

But I’m not discouraged.  I love two things about December.  First, there’s Christmas.  I love it, and my family and I embrace it.  We celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ first and foremost.  It is preeminent.   But we also embrace the secular side of Christmas.  I still believe in Santa.  Laugh if you want, but Santa is welcome in our house.  And I unapologetically give and receive gifts.  I’m not speaking of materialism and the notion of “getting” things.  I can honestly say I enjoy the giving more than the receiving.  And I’m not talking about spending lots of money.  I’m simply saying that I love all the aspects of Christmas.

But, back to 2023.  Have you thought about what you want the new year to be?  Do you have goals?  What are your plans?  What do you want to do better this year than last?

Yes, this is another year-end post about goals. If you’ve read any of my previous year-end blogs, you know that I believe in this, and I do so in multiple areas of my life.  My goals worksheet has the following categories as follows:

  • Spiritual – This is number one. Prayer, Bible study, teaching, blessing others.
  • Personal - health, writing, hobbies, reading
  • Travel – both mission work and personal
  • Business – improving my accounting practice
  • Social – making new and nurturing old friendships, social activities
  • Financial – planning, debt reduction, etc.

These are my categories.  Yours are likely different.  You may have none or you may have ten.  This post is not to tell you what goals to set, or how to set them.  I did offer some recommendations in a similar post in December, 2017.  (Wow!  Has it been that long?) To read it, click this link:

The obvious question is why bother?  It seems like a lot of trouble.  Actually,it’s not as difficult as it may sound.  It does take time and effort.  But don’t all things that matter?  And, for my part, I do this because if I don’t, my life can become a wandering generality.  I’ll fritter away hours and days with nothing to show.  I’ll waste time on useless activities.  I’ll neglect those things that really matter.  I am not disciplined enough to do things without a plan.  Maybe you are, but I doubt if you’re as efficient as you would be if you set some simple goals.

I’ve confessed already that I didn’t measure up to my own expectations for 2022.  Too many of the spiritual disciplines were neglected too often.  I didn’t read my Bible as often as I should have.  I didn’t pray nearly enough. On the personal side, I didn’t control my weight as well as I should have.  I read less than half as many books as I intended.  I didn’t write as often or as well as I intended.  The same is true in all the areas of my life.  I did some things well but left much room for improvement.

Does it all sound futile?  Are my failures and shortcomings for 2022 an obstacle to doing better in 2023?  Not at all!  As a matter of fact, not doing as well as I had hoped only causes me to want to be more committed in the coming year.

You see, it’s not about perfection.  It’s about trying.  As some would say, it’s about the journey.  It’s about using the gifts God has given me to live the best life I can to please and glorify him and, to bless others and to improve my quality of life. 

Sometimes I set too many goals.  I do this because my imagination and my ego cause me to set goals that are not realistic.  I need to focus on goals that matter, and not worry so much about the number of goals.  For example, if I say I want to run or exercise seven days a week, I know that’s not going to happen.  Be reasonable.  You can always do more if circumstances allow, but don’t get bogged down to the point of this becoming a burden.  My pastor mentioned something along these lines this morning, and he is exactly right.

Setting goals points me in the right direction.  It reminds me that I have not arrived.  It tells me that I can and should do better.  I need this in my life.  I know me well enough to know that if I simply rely on my natural tendencies, the results won’t be acceptable for me and for those whose lives I impact. 

I believe that our responsibilities extend beyond ourselves.  I have obligations to those God has brought or will bring into my life.  This includes my family, my friends, my church family, and anyone else that God gives me the opportunity to serve.  In other words, goals are not simply about me accomplishing things. They are about me living this life to the fullest and serving others.  I’m not good at it, but I’m working at it.  I hope you are too.

Yes, 2022 is gone.  You can’t find it anywhere in the world.  But 2023 is everywhere.  It’s in your living room.  It’s on your job.  It’s in your neighborhood.  It’s where you hopefully began the new year in worship.  Simply put, you can’t avoid it.  The question is, what will you do with it?

I’m confident that you will strive for a successful 2023.  Hopefully you have a plan, even if it’s not a formal process.  My prayer is you will be blessed in all ways, that you will accomplish those things you need to accomplish, and that you will be a blessing to those around you.  I hope that’s on your goal list.

Happy New Year!

3 comments on “2023 - Let's Do This!”

  1. Quit your day job… was that a goal? It could be for I find your writing more interesting than the Championship Game I was was watching. I can not wait until the next Lifeandmiles!

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